
Your car insurance protects you against several things. There is physical damage coverage (comprehensive and collision), which protect your vehicle from damage. There is Personal Injury Protection (PIP), Optional Basic Economic Loss (OBEL), Supplementary Uninsured/Under-Insured Motorist (SUM), and Medical Payments to protect your passengers and yourself from injuries and potential […]

Saving with State Minimum Limits? Think again…

BuffaloQuotes.com Aims to Give Western New Yorker’s an Option When it comes to Insurance   BUFFALO, N.Y. – Mar. 2, 2015 – Buffalo is the king of convenience. With its booming food truck industry and growing technology sector, it has never been more apparent how much Western New Yorker’s enjoy […]

Press Release- Launch of BuffaloQuotes.com

While most of the articles on here are insurance-specific, this one is geared towards all small business owners and entrepreneurs. Here are the step-by-step instructions, to build a strong internet presence online. These can be done by anyone and do not require any special skill sets. I will preface this […]

Build An Internet Presence Overnight