Press Release- Launch of Aims to Give Western New Yorker’s an Option When it comes to Insurance


BUFFALO, N.Y. – Mar. 2, 2015 – Buffalo is the king of convenience. With its booming food truck industry and growing technology sector, it has never been more apparent how much Western New Yorker’s enjoy simplicity. Well, there is a new face in the insurance industry looking to capitalize on choice along with ease of doing business.

With its launch last week,, attempts to go into uncharted territories. Founded by Ryan Murdie, of The Northwoods Corporation (Williamsville, NY), attempts to bridge the gap between a traditional insurance agency and large national insurance companies that do most of their business online. Murdie, a graduate of Medaille College, is a millennial looking to leave his imprint on the insurance industry. offers insurance-savings tips, claim prevention information, and the ability to get real quotes online for auto and homeowner’s insurance. Murdie says it doesn’t stop there, though, “When my brother Paul and I had the vision to create, we wanted to provide useful information for business owners and those looking for life insurance.” Their site has a live chat feature and 24-hour access to claims and billing.

Paul Murdie, also of The Northwoods Corporation, is the co-founder and Vice-President of the organization.  He also teaches several insurance-related courses at Bryant & Stratton in their Professional Skills Center. He says their expertise and familiarity with the area is what sets them apart, “Ryan and I know insurance, and we know the types of coverage Western New Yorker’s especially need.”

It is definitely an exciting time to be in Buffalo with so many young and ambitious entrepreneurs. Time will tell whether their take on the insurance industry takes off.