Your One Stop For All Your Insurance Needs! is your premier web-based insurance agency. Mixing a little of what each of the insurance carriers brings to the table, truly gives you the best of both worlds. Working with one of the largest independent insurance agencies in Western New York, The Northwoods Corporation, can provide insurance options unmatched by your insurance agent down the street. Also, with access to most life insurance carriers, can put together a unique, comprehensive insurance experience. Combine all of this with a streamlined, customer-friendly internet experience, we promise you an easy and hassle-free time.
Let do the shopping, you do the saving!
Ryan Murdie – President (Co-founder)
My brother Paul and I had a vision to create something unique for our customers. I graduated with my B.S. in Business Administration from Medaille College in Buffalo, NY in 2010. While in college, I decided my career was going to be in the insurance industry. I obtained my Property & Casualty license in 2008 followed by my Life, Accident, & Health license in 2011. Working for one of the largest independent agencies in New York, The Northwoods Corporation, I was able to realize the benefits of an independent insurance agency. At the same time, though, I struggled to compete with the convenience some of the direct insurance companies offered. Enter, the best of both worlds!
Paul Murdie – Vice President (Co-founder)
Ryan and I, with The Northwoods Corporation, bring a unique and holistic approach to insurance and risk management. Integrity First. Service Before Self. Excellence In All You Do are the values that guide us. While these are the core values of the United States Air Force and instilled in me while serving in the Air Force, they've followed me into the Insurance industry and allow us to serve our clients well. With, we are able to offer our clients choice, as independent agents, something our "one company" competitors can't, with the convenience of dealing online.
Molly Harrald – Marketing
Molly plays on Facebook all day.